Love this city, laugh at the boring joke now When the sun is coming up, thinking never wanna lose my wasted days anymore あの日見た映画の続きがない 僕の街の レンタルショップなんてもう 流行らないけれど 今更なんで見たくなってこの記憶を drive around さあ最高の週末をくれ His band plays sad banger Tell me that you found out people dance today Hello, can you hear me? I will shout say woh woh woh So Dance Dance She’s on fire Tell me what you want and people dance today Hello, can you hear me? Kiss me bye, THE END OF TOKYO 日が暮れて影を追いかけたのさ ただその日々の繰り返しさ 最後に見た風景も思い出せないよ What a same days! ほんと気が狂いそうだよそっと 3度目の来世楽しんでよ everybody goes His band plays sad banger Tell me that you found out people dance today Hello, can you hear me? I will shout say woh woh woh So Dance Dance She’s on fire Tell me what you want and people dance today Hello, can you hear me? Kiss me bye, THE END OF TOKYO