On the tenth’ of August 1512 We passed the headland west of Saint-Mathieu - English galleons, 50 strong English galleons. And so it was that I did see - The finest ship I’d ever seen - Marie la Cordelière, Belle Marie la Cordelière. Refrain: She was so fine, such a sight to see, Sailing high on the summer sea, And I am proud to say that I have seen Belle Marie la Cordelière. And when the Breton captain he did see The English flags out on the reach, he cried "Weigh the anchors high and we will fight, Weigh the anchors high!" And the Belle Marie came sailing proud, 200 canons shining on her sides, 15 hundred men prepared to die, 15 hundred men. Refrain. Well the battle raged for many’an hour Till her decks ran red with blood and we breached her side, Then the captain cried “Though we may die, We’ll not surrender her!” Across the heaving deck he ran, In each hand a blazing brand he bore Into the powder store and he blew her high, He fired the powder store. Refrain.