Death is walking to you Death is standing by you Death is affecting you Death is gazing on you Death is inviting you Death is whispering you Death is…death is…death is putting scythe on your neck The blood for the sacred feast to feed baby to be born. It splashes from fresh no cleanse the soul. Thy eyes are offered to life for eternity Thy tongue is offered to life for casualty Bulldoze, breaking shell of mind Asphyxiate, struggling out of enormous pain and suffering Drown, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bludgeon, smashing bones into pieces Die…it’s desperate…die…it’s desperate This fire is holding your mire always. Nothing can not ever judge us at all, therefore no one will not help. Desire we shared is going down into my heart. Thy arms are to life Thy heart is kissed for life Vice, Waste, Crime, False, Overdose a medicine in order to say good-bye 切り裂いた羽 闇に堕ち 赤く染め 麗しく鮮やかに燃え尽きた to be dead in the end, farewell… Die…it’s desperate…die…it’s desperate This fire is holding your mire always. Nothing can not ever judge us at all, therefore no one will not help. Desire we shared is going down into my heart. Die…die…die…die…