i Tried To keep HiM sTraighT ever since THe day He was born He caMe ouT a liTTle laTe Maybe THaT'S wHEre frusTraTion's born My Head was like a wound wHen THey called Me and said "iT's Happened MucH Too soon" Took Two bulleTs To THe brain My kid broTHer He was insane was insane wHen you find a way call and Tell Me wHen THe TiMe's erased i Had no cause To be awake THe pHone rang iT was THree aM oH, iT was T.H.M. wHere is T.H.M.? ever since i was born i Have felT so forlorn i always knew THis day would coMe Hey, you lose and you win soMe T.H.M.T.H.M.T.H.M.T.H.M.T.H.M.