PAIN-GRUDGE-SORROW-FURY DELETE-HEADACHE-HANG UP-DIZZY 糸を這わす極彩色の罠で 背徳感を着せられたまま 「愛想良く笑ってくれないか?」 モザイクの先でちらつかす毳毳しい刃 Like a bacteria You repeat an increase Like a bacteria The spider which undermines me ベタベタと絡み付く猛毒に まるで骨の随までしゃぶり尽くされてるようさ Mischief of the venomous spider Delete this deadly poison Mischief of the venomous spider その毒は蜜より甘いのさ This is skillful trap Delete this deadly poison Like a bacteria The spider which undermines me Perfect trap... Delete this deadly poison