柔らかな西風が 街路樹を揺らして 夕映えの街を 赤く染めてゆく うたたねの横顔に 甘く香るバジル 何気ない時間に 愛しさが降る Whisperin' 聴こえるわ Time goes by 時の鼓動 Whisperin' 手を翳し Time goes by 触れていたい 吐息にもたれ眺てる Twilight Lookin' back again When I had a pain Always you've just kept on smile for me Now I feel love is endless theme There is a precious time with you How could so much love Be inside for you Maybe you are the apple of my eye And I think about you night and day 'Cause you make me feel so nice Whisperin'…"Darlin' I love you" Time goes by…Only for my sweet heart WhisPerin'…"Darlin' you love me" Time goes by…Put me in the right sounds Shinin' on and shinin' on together Love goes on Whisperin'…"Darlin' I love you" Time goes by…Only for my sweet heart WhisPerin'…"Darlin' you love me" Time goes by…Put me in the right sounds