You know how to take your time suggest you to go out for fun You know that life is not so easy But do forget usual task for this time You can see the delightful sky Here the sunlight hearly comes Again and again jump around in so for as you foot on the ground Yeah!! Everything would be alright Again and again jump around in so for as you foot on the ground Yeah!! Everything would be alright Listen to the birds singing DaNaNaNaNaNaNa Don't stop. Don't stop Lovin' all the stuff in here You know how to take your time suggest you to go out for fun You know that life is not so easy But do forget usual task for this time You can see the delightful sky Here comes the sunlight You just jump up to the sky Again and again jump around in so for as you foot on the ground Yeah!! Everything would be alright Again and again jump around in so for as you foot on the ground Yeah!! Everything would be alright Listen to the birds singing DaNaNaNaNaNaNa Don't stop. Don't stop Lovin' all the stuff in here