Sign up for FAME and sign up for MONEY, but they dont wanna WORK man they think that's FUNNY. FAMOUSLY, FAMOUS for nothing at all, PERFECTLY PACKAGED no distinguishing features you PLASTIC FANTASTIC pretty little creatures. THEY WANT IT RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW, DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT BUT THEY WANT IT RIGHT NOW, DON'T KNOW WHAT 'IT' IS BUT THEY WANT IT RIGHT NOW YEAH, THEY WANT IT RIGHT NOW You KARAOKE KIDS think that you have the right, to win the WAR without taking part in the FIGHT. LITTLE BOY LAZY you've insulted the masters, I'm so sorry your MANSION came crashing to the floor but with no foundations it was never going to weather the storm. All we need is some belief all we need is some belief. All we need is some belief.