Nn,,nn I said Sorry about that I said Sorry about that I said Sorry about that 人のため世のため俺はLate night I'ma busy I'ma busy I'ma busy work! Nn,,nn She say Sorry about that She say Sorry about that She say Sorry about that 金惜しまないこれに クソみたいな俺をFollow me 大半のやつがLAME真似てるYouTube 俺は俺なりに連れてく遠くへ 嘘つきにばかり回ってくる Chanceと金 自信があるからこそ俺が起こしてえ 被ってるglo pangのbeanie 人と被る前に大人買い 俺の周りなぜかONE PIECE 乗れない奴らは置き去り 三ツ矢にLEAN、withテリヤキ 余ったもん全部俺にplease I feel like a マックイーン アイドリング状態 いっそこのまま 俺らは俺らはいい From my pain 減るどころか増えて癒えない (S.O.R.R.Y) Sorry about that Sorry about that Sorry about that Nn,,nn I said Sorry about that I said Sorry about that I said Sorry about that 人のため世のため俺はLate night I'ma busy I'ma busy I'ma busy work! Nn,,nn She say Sorry about that She say Sorry about that She say Sorry about that 金惜しまないこれに クソみたいな俺をFollow me (大半のやつがLAME真似てる Youtube) (俺は俺なりに連れてく遠くへ)