Look into another light, You have the right, To make it better, Trust is what you gain in time, Another night another letter. Hey you there, Blind moonlight, Hold me tight, Forget tomorrow. Lay all day, If you can, Understand, You're baiting sorrow. Someday, In a moment, Always, We are learning. Troubled faces, Watch the sky, As they cry, Showing their weakness. Strength in numbers, But for those, All alone, They are left Speechless. Sometimes, More than others, Wanting, To ask the questions. Look into another light, You have the right, To make it better, Trust is what you gain in time, Another night another letter. Always, We are running, Tripping, On broken sidewalks. Tomorrow, Will bring another, Feeling, From yesterday. Look into another light, You have the right, To make it better, Trust is what you gain in time, Another night another letter. Look into another light, You have the right, To make it better, Trust is what you gain in time, Another night another letter. Hey you there, Blind moonlight, Hold me tight.