戦う者だけが生き残る 力こそ正義 敗北者は死ね 地獄の掟 as the Major premise Rock Hey Hey This is why the hell is what it is Rock in the kingdom We can do everything, cause we have the sprit of ROCK IN THE KINGDOM I can't imagine living in the world without Rock 無限の魔力が耳をつんざく 心奪われ 悪魔のとりこに 魔法の呪文 as the Incantation Rock Hey Hey This is why the hell is what it is Rock in the kingdom We can do everything, cause we have the sprit of Rock in the kingdom I can't imagine living in the world without Rock <ACE&LUKE Guitar Solo> 破壊 殺戮 略奪 邪魔者は 邪魔者は消せ すべてを我が物に Do with the Rock Hey Hey This is why the hell is what it is Rock in the kingdom We can do everything, cause we have the sprit of Rock in the kingdom I can't imagine living in the world without… Rock in the kingdom We can do everything, cause we have the sprit of Rock in the kingdom I can't imagine living in the world without Rock