Consume Consumed without a gasp, we gorge into the night as we dance To the curdling whimper of pitiful man Blasphemous, gluttonous The belly begs for a moments rest, quick to reject, we still ingest As the withered hole pleads to eject They cannot stomach the smell, mangled innards wrench as they swell An eternal song of visceral retch The churns, they burn Unnourished, brittle shell of a man Submit or consume the consumed Hail the coprophagous and cannibalistic Long for the flesh, compelled to eat shit There's no distance our hymns won't reach The gags of dissonance echo as they preach Cold goes the waste, reluctant to taste Now the mold is in bloom, insatiably they consume Consume They cannot stomach the smell, mangled innards wrench as they swell An eternal song of visceral retch The churns, they burn Bless the mess that rots in my gut Behold the foul vessel erupt Septic we bleed Our seed breeds vermin Appetite of the sick Eviscerate to rid the taste And be consumed once more Eviscerate to rid the taste Eviscerate, re-consume the waste