Chipmunks and chestnuts Chipmunks and chestnuts Chipmunks and chestnuts Chipmunks and chestnuts It's that time of year For chipmunks and chestnuts It's that time of year For chipmunks and chestnuts Everyone's waiting for these two things See them roast Hear them sing Oh-oh, chipmunks and chestnuts Chipmunks and chestnuts Chipmunks and chestnuts Oh-oh, chipmunks and chestnuts It's that time of year For sleigh rides and snowmen It's that time of year For sleigh rides and snowmen Start with a ball Make a man of snow Carrot for a nose But make sure where it goes Too low? Oh no Chipmunks and chestnuts Chipmunks and chestnuts Chipmunks and chestnuts Bobtails and cocktails And cozy times down by the fire Fun get-togethers And real ugly sweaters It's that time of year For chipmunks and chestnuts It's that time of year For chipmunks and chestnuts "Merry Christmas to all!" as Santa would say Hop in the sleigh and get carried away Oh-oh, chipmunks and chestnuts Oh-oh, chipmunks and chestnuts Oh-oh, chipmunks and chestnuts