Mother took me in her arms She said son, listen to me; Soldiers with their bombs and guns Made us leave our country. With strangers, frends and family, We set sail for a dream. I hope someday you'll understand Why home is home no more. And she said, You are the children of the ocean You are the children of the sea There's no going back We must go on On and on On and on Why are you crying mother, Are we all going to die? As long as we're together I'm not afraid at all Mother where has Daddy gone? Did they kill him too? When I grow up I'll stop them, From treating us so cruel. And she said, You are the children of the ocean You are the children of the sea There's no going back We must go on On and on On and on Is it true as you have said, People are waiting somewhere, To feed me, Clothe, love me And tuck me into bed. So mother, I'll be good to night Sleep tight till the dawn, When the morning sun would shine its light To lead us on and on Now I know, Weare...……