You want to piss on my back? You want to manipulate? You're just a hollow creature Constructed to bring hate Instructed to detest, to destroy and discreate You want to hollow me out? You want to suck me in? You're like a nasty machine Constructed to destruct We are just numbers, figures in a game Can we resist? Or must we back in shame Who will be first? Who will be last? Unmistify this: second over third by force No will to break or change No reason to believe No enemy to fight, no one to deceive We defend our fate We have to flick the switch We must resist, in order to exist We are just numbers, figures in a game Can we resist? Or must we back in shame Who will be first? Who will be last? Unmistify this: second over third by force We must defend the sacred treasure We must obey the judgment of heart First come numbers, then comprehension Never to remorse, second over third force THIRD FORCE! We are just numbers, figures in a game Can we resist? Or must we back in shame Who will be first? Who will be last? Unmistify this: second over third by force Second over third by force Power to the fifth or sixth Glory to those who dare resist