会議を開こう お前もそこに繋がれた カケラなんだろ? 偽りの無い感情に 文句が在るなら 宛先にどうぞ Get away. Get away. the psycho. Here is kind of mellow. Scare crow said"come on crow". You scum! Rip off! Riot! 勘違いするな 綺麗じゃねぇから アイドルを尊敬するのさ 発言一つに一苦労だ グダグダ抜かす馬鹿は邪魔 救い求めるお前の声に 涙した俺は憐れか? 「一緒に居場所を創りましょう」 ならばどうして俺を苦しめるのか Get away. Get away. the psycho. Here is kind of mellow. Scare crow said"come on crow". You scum! Rip off! Riot! Wake up mother fucker. Believe or not he bang away all night with his girl friend. Stop bitching about she. I was taken in! Pipe down there! Her speech was just a lot of double-talk. Hey! Automatic. Don’t call me. Don’t yanking me. Don’t believe such a rubbish. FUCK Check. Check. Its time to face-off. Check. Check. Its time to face-off. Check. Check. Its time to face-off. Check. Check. Its time to face-off. I love this song. Could you pump it up? Get away. Get away. the psycho. Here is kind of mellow. Scare crow said"come on crow". You scum! Rip off! Riot! Get away. Get away. the psycho. Here is kind of mellow. Scare crow said"come on crow". You scum! Rip off! Riot! Wake up mother fucker. Believe or not he bang away all night with his girl friend. Stop bitching about she. I was taken in! Pipe down there! Her speech was just a lot of double-talk. Hey! Automatic. Don’t call me. Don’t yanking me. Don’t believe such a rubbish. 仲良しこよし? おままごとだろ 何をしにきた 何処を見てるんだ フルーツバスケット 俺達を見ろ 下らねぇリンチに 付き合い切れねぇ FUCK