泣きたいときに泣けないなら 笑いたいときも笑えないだろ どんな君もすべて受け止めよう You cannot stop yourself I don't know who I am What's the meaning of my life? I cannot even keep breathing 'cause it's too painful You are not alone I will always be by your side You already know that This is where you belong 泣きたいときに泣けないなら 笑いたいときも笑えないだろ どんな君もすべて受け止めよう You cannot stop yourself I don't know who I am What's the meaning of my life? I cannot even keep breathing 'cause it's too painful You are not alone I will always be by your side You already know that This is where you belong I will wait for you forever No matter what may happen I continue to keep that promise 泣きたいときに泣けないなら 笑いたいときも笑えないだろ どんな君もすべて受け止めよう You cannot stop yourself I would like to spend rest of my life with you with the shadows 忘れないで どんなときも 君を愛する 花になろう 泣きたいときも笑いたいときも そばにいるよ You cannot stop yourself