Track byRay Charles
Come down to the river Walk down to the shore Living water to quench Your thirsty soul Come drink from the water Thirst no more Jesus said lay your burden down If you're tired of carrying it around Sing a new song your back unbowed Sing a new song sing it out loud Come on and hear God's people sing redemption songs And lift your voice and sing along Sing a new song stand up proud Sing a new song sing it out loud For the weighed down struggling and burdened The tired out and hurting it's time to put it down When life feels like it's getting too tough Like you carry too much come drop it on the sacred ground Jesus says that his burden's light And He's gonna make everything all right, Sing a new song your back unbowed Sing a new song sing it out loud Come on and hear God's people sing a song of praise Come sit at His feet and learn his ways Sing a new song stand up proud Sing a new song sing it out loud For the empty withered up and hollow To the outcast He calls you to follow To the lost and confused, the user and the used The rejects and the losers God is calling out to you