凍りついた羅針盤を 幾度かさすってみた 僕の目にはかすかも動かない 『状況は制御された』 『すぐに影響はない』だ? 誰の目にも隠しようのない事態 I won't let it go without a fight. Because I am awaking, I am awaking You know the world is not going to save you The story is waiting ahead of us If that's not what we want We've got to take it, just take it 何が正しい情報で 何がねつ造なのか 君の目にはきっと同じに見えてる 信頼できるソースは 初めからないとかってドヤられても じゃそれを信じるか?ってこと Because I am awaking, I am awaking You know the world is not going to save you The story is waiting ahead of us If that's not what we want We've got to take it, just take it Because I am awaking, I am awaking You know the world is not going to save you Because I am awaking, I am awaking We all know this system is down going The story is waiting ahead of us If that's not what we want We've got to take it, just take it