Broken! What happend What did I do? It disappeared all those who came up to now What the hell Give me back my hardship and time Not heal even after 3 days Save me please!please! Don't Know what you gotta do HDD has been elase by the Fuckin PC No! I was wrong But I really can't understand It just broken! まじ返してくれ 直してくれ 許してくれ 殺してくれ6秒前の俺を どたまから斧で 叩き割って 裂いて 何でもかんでも消し飛ばしちまった ちょい待った 叫べど時すでに遅し 今日一の沸点臨界点超え 強制終了データ消去 あれあれみんなどこへ? 光るディスプレイ かわらねぇ ダメージカンスト越え 完成 完全にムリ 残念すぎ 今変えようともこの僕には どうしようもない事ばかりだけど だれかが今を生きる糧を作る事なら できるから できるはず Get back the date! Get back the date! GET BACK THE DATE! Tell me what you how to against this Save me please!please! Don't Know what you gotta do HDD has been elase by the Fuckin PC No! I was wrong Really can't understand It just broken! It just broken!