No one knows why it is over now So you can't tell me about it. The word is really easy to break. 決して戻らぬ時間でも Nothing changes my judgement. Now that I start. 消させはしない Nobody say たとえ 声無き声だとしても 必ず見つけると いつか交わした その最後の約束に please issue a judgement Right now I woke up and I lost it forever but the time never waits for me So I can never escape from dark but 叫び抗い続けると Nothing changes my judgement. Day after day 信じている Nobody hear my shouting You may cry this order if you know that time. 傷ついた未来を Day by day いつしかその最後の結末を please issue a judgement Right now No matter how bad thing get now no matter what dangers await Nothing changes Nothing breaks So nothing get in my way No matter how long it takes do it no matter how someone says but Nothing breaks Nothing get in my way No one show my hands Nobody hear たとえ 声無き声だとしても 必ず見つけると いつか交わした その最後の約束に please issue a judgement Right now You make sure my heart is breaking up now No one knows why the world is not over. OK I get the answer no matter how long it takes (I just get it done.) no matter how (someones say) No matter how much I break...