Are you going back to your wife? Do you have time tomorrow daytime? Did you erase the history in the phone? Block me for 12 hours from now Can you wear pants yourself? Did you throw away hotel receipt? You can hide hickey on your chest, right? Small proof, you are only mine Birds return to their nests Your nest is in my arms 私無しで生きていけないでしょ? 帰るべき場所は此処なんだから Thrill dependent relationships 本当に馬鹿なのね 今日も明日も私のモノ 昼も夜も気づかないから I want to see, I want you, I want to rob you I want everyone to see us, I want our baby Can't you put an end? Because I'm an infinite sheet music 少し出会うのが遅かっただけ 心はいつでも手繰り 寄せられるから、そうよね? 有限の関係の狭間 禁断の愛に溺れる A secret only for you and me Love me, Bite me, 愛してる Desire for control Acts for a sense of superiority Please rape me in your room 禁忌を侵しました私 只の我儘のはずだった Blind and looking for love 本当に馬鹿だった 愛は止まらない 声殺しても でも目はいつも真実映してる 静寂の中 女は佇む 現実に突き離される 裸で He just played me 焼け付く様な視線 血眼で叫んだExcuse Serious love is false love, I can't forgive you 貴方達が壊れるまで甚振るわ