Where is your mind? It hid in the darkness I can not find your mind It's complex like a labyrinth It's crying somewhere far away So I can't find deep love Even if I cry you never look back Can't you feel how much I love you? I'll gouge out your emotion もう戻らない傷に歯を立てる もう戻れない過去 心が目を塞ぐ様に 泣き叫ぶ 此れが愛では無いのなら 貴方は誰? 愛しても愛し方がわからないままで If it's disorder If love does not exist How do people love others? Your wound is a proof of love Why won't you understand me? 愛を確かめる度 貴方が憎くなっていく 弱いフリして目を逸らすな 言葉の鎖が食い込む 愛を確かめる度 貴方の心が遠のく 感情に溺れ息苦しそうな 貴方の顔が素敵よ Why did you betray me? I'll never let you go anymore You took everything from me So let me live forever