Free me now.....! 空にAirplaneを追うblue bird 自分の自由を派手に謳歌してる 嫌味なほどに 最初で最後の幻想も 時計のスピードが全部盗んでった 欠伸の合間に 照りつける陽射し 心はsherbet snow 頭溶かすような 術を奪うsunshine, no no no no no way 廻り廻る地球に乗っかってただしがみつくだけで 目が眩んでまた今日が過ぎる..... don't reach to anyone Being alone wakes everything feeling sad Being alone wakes everything feeling pain 腰砕けを孤独が覆うだけ I think of it, and I think about it, and it will deceive me 力も肩も暗い影も 落とせるものは全部落としていた 気づかない間に のしかかる陽射し 体はsherbet snow 体溶かすような 力奪うsunshine, no no no no no way 巡り巡る時間に乗っかってただしがみつくだけで 力尽きてまた今日が過ぎる..... don't reach to anywhere Being alone wakes everything feeling sad Being alone wakes everything feeling pain 腰砕けを孤独が覆うだけ I think of it, and I think about it, and it will deceive me Freezing, what's freezing? My hands 放すと? Feelings, what's feelings? My heart 放つと..... Looking back on the days that are gone 過去にしがみついた日々を笑うsunshine, no no no no no way 恐る恐る自由に乗っかってただしがみつくだけで くらし慣れたまた今日が過ぎる..... don't reach to anyone Being alone wakes everything feeling sad Being alone wakes everything feeling pain 腰砕けを孤独が覆う..... don't reach to anywhere いつかあのAirplaneに乗っかって 見下ろすあの無茶苦茶なblue bird! 腰砕けが空を仰ぐ またI think of it, and I think about it, and it will deceive me